What is Carbon Footprint and How to reduce it?

Carbon footprint refers to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide, produced by human activities such as driving cars, using electricity, and consuming food, among others. It is measured in units of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) and can be calculated for individuals, organizations, products, or events. The goal of reducing carbon footprint … Read more

Energy Management System|Essaver

Essaver energy management software control system is designed to reduce energy consumption, improve the utilization of the system, increase reliability, predict electrical system performance, and optimize energy usage to reduce cost. Automatic Generation Control System A multi-area supervisory control system to regulate generation levels of electrical systems. Economic Dispatch Allocate changing generation demand of a … Read more

Energy Management System: What you need to know

Energy management is the practice of using resources efficiently to reduce waste and promote sustainability. It involves analyzing energy consumption patterns, identifying areas of inefficiency, and implementing energy-saving technologies and processes. The goal of energy management is to reduce energy consumption, lower costs, and reduce carbon emissions. Some common strategies for energy management include upgrading … Read more

Energy Management Software|Essaver

Energy management has become a very important key concern for businesses in recent times. With the rising cost of energy, the increasing demand for sustainable solutions, and the need to reduce carbon emissions, it’s more important than ever for companies to monitor and manage their energy consumption. This is where Essaver comes in – an … Read more

What is energy management software?

Energy management software  (EMS) is a software solution designed to help organizations or businesses manage their energy consumption and reduce their energy costs. EMS typically provides a platform for collecting, analyzing, and reporting energy usage data from various sources, such as utility bills, meters, and sensors. Energy management software can help identify areas of high … Read more